Trust of self and others is the resource from which I draw strength and courage to address tough challenges. My work to weave together people, planet and profit (yes, nonprofits must make a profit to survive and thrive) is part of who I am as a person and consultant. I value and need people in my life who bring respect, integrity, transparency and due diligence to their nonprofit endeavors. If these values resonate with you then…

Let’s Get to Work!

  • Peyto Lake, Canada. Blue green water nestled between massive snow-topped mountains, forests and rock walls with cloud-scattered blue skies above.

    Dream and Fundraise

    Detailed research, comprehensive fundraising plans, project budgets, compelling foundation and government applications, and inspiring individual donor appeals are all made successful with thoughtful planning, well-defined metrics, inspiring stories and - of course - gratitude. I’ll walk you through every step of the process.

  • Red barn sitting on open field of grass with fall leaf colors in the background.

    Build with Confidence

    Leadership - bridge building - relies on relevant policies and procedures, transparent organizational budgets, robust financial management systems and procedures, timely Form 990 submissions, practical assessments and evaluations, strategic plans, and diverse and dedicated employees who bring the right perspective to your nonprofit world. This is a heavy work load that I can help you carry in the short-term, as well as plan for organizational capacity in the longer-term.

  • Female Tree Swallow flying to birdhouse with dragonfly in her mouth for two hungry chicks.

    Grow and Prosper

    All the daily nonprofit functions are working as planned. It’s time to grow and diversify your organization, and/or expand your engagement with people and our planet. Together we’ll identify the assets, gaps, challenges and opportunities your nonprofit brings to its mission and crystal clear vision; and lay out a strategy for SMART growth.